
Thingz #8

I see Library 2.0 as the technology of Web 2.0 applied to the (public) library setting to continue to serve patrons in to the future. It includes patron-generated content (rating of materials, tagging, blogging or at least commenting on library blogs, wikis) interacting with patrons using newer technology applications (IM reference, del.icio.us tagging vs/ in addition to Internet links, text message alerts, RSS feeds of library and more content) information/education/enrichment delivery via nta- e-video, downloadable audiobooks, etc.

After viewing samples of how other libraries are employing Web 2.0 technologies, I realize that one can be quite creative in implementing these technological enhancements. Podcasts, for example, can be used as booktalks to market the library's collection. RSS feeds are especially useful for keeping patrons updated on workshops, programs, new additions to the collection, new databases, and so forth. Blogs can easily attract online communities and foster active discussions for a book club or even function as a virtual "suggestion box." I'm sure these technologies can also operate in conjunction with each other.

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